Backend general guidelines

As backend team:

To do so, we write down some guidelines that could be useful.

Boy scout rule

We ensure code quality by testing and conducting code reviews.

We contribute to the maturity and trust of the team by providing feedback to other team members and by applying the boy scout rule.

Boy scout rule

Clean code

We aim to design and implement clean code solutions.

Clean code is a series of principles that help us produce intuitive and easy-to-modify code.

In this article we find a summary on which we should base our code.

Clean code

SOLID principles

We develop maintainable, robust, scalable and reliable applications.

SOLID consists in five principles that help us produce maintainable code, help us to avoid rigid, fragile and coupled code. These principles are the following:

Solid principles

Think before code

We aim to design and implement clean code solutions.

We seek to collaborate with other members of the team to create elegant code in an agile development environment.

We work closely with the product owner to understand the end-user requirements.

To ensure that the code accomplishes the requirements (whether are user or technical requirements), we must plan and design before implement any code. This way, we will be sure that our solution meet all the expected requirements. This is specially important in an agile environment.

Think before code